Sunday, March 30, 2008

Christin’s 101 Little Happy Makers List

Work It
1- Run 3 miles everyday for 6 days in a row
2- Run 3 miles everyday for 6 days in a row for 4 weeks
3- Do 4 pull-ups. Yes, in a row.
4- Take a couple spinning classes.
5- Do the See Jane Run triathlon
6- Attend a Phoenix Triathlon Club meeting. Join?
7- Have triathlon training session for swimming
8- Go Somewhere on a bike
9- Let Ariana & Bridget & Johnny coach me on swimming
10- Do 1 other triathlon

Preserve the Earth
11- Keep canvas bags in my car. Learn to use them.

12- Learn 3 songs on the guitar to the point that I’m not embarrassed to play them in front of other people
13- Translate 12 articles from the Liahona
14- Learn 20 Spanish phrases that might apply at work
15- Take a yoga class
16- Take a meditation class
17- Take a pilates class
18- Take one month of voice lessons
19- Renew subscription to “The WEEK”
20- Make a pot roast
21- Make rolls

22- Read “The Audacity of Hope”
23- Read the Old Testament
24- Read 2 books to understand the Old Testament
25- Read “Brave New World”
26- Read “Grapes of Wrath”
27- Read “Julia and Julia”
28- Read “Old Yeller”
29- Read 20 perfect Phoenix days; go fun places

30- Use up all my teeth whitening gel from my dentist
31- Finish Tate’s Quilt
32- Apply to DNP Program
33- Send Christmas Cards out before May
34- Eat at 5 new restaurants in Phoenix (1 down) Delux, Riazzi's, LoLo's, Green, TrueFood, PURE
35- Have a “hippie day.” Celebrate however you wish.
36- Go Skydiving
37- Earn a Shine Check
38- Get my hair done by someone I’m not related to
39- Attend car show with Bel Air in pink dress
40- Make a day of visiting Roosevelt streets art galleries
41- Attend a first Friday
42- Attend one of Meghan’s concerts
43- Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes (literally)
44- Hike Camelback in Boise
45- Hike Camelback in Phoenix
46- Get fishing license
47- Fish in 4 different places (1 down!)
48- Kiss a stranger
49- Go to an amusement park
50- Surf
51- Go Skinny Dipping
52- Go rock climbing
53- Play the bongos on Mill Ave. May combine with hippie day.
54- Make my bed for a week
55- Buy a couple of food storage kits and a recipe book
56- Make the tile mosaic under my washer & dryer
57- Ride the Phoenix bus
58- Ride the Light Rail
59- Floss everyday for a month
60- Get the Bel Air detailed
61- Shop Mill Ave.
62- Go to a Phoenix Diamondbacks game
63- Go to Phoenix Suns game
64- Go to ASU football game
65- Go to any other sporting event that sounds like fun
66- Watch Goonies
67- Organize radio stations
68- Go to 10-year high school reunion
69- Get Iron levels checked
70- Have Preventative Mammogram

For the Good of Humanity
71- Go three times to read to children
72- Go twice to visit people at a retirement home
73- Give Project Cuddle tapes to 4 high schools
74- Pay off signature loan!

To Nourish my Soul
75- Mark a new Book of Mormon
76- Mark a New Testament
77- Make more frequent journal entries, especially about funny stories and spiritual experiences
78- Remember 10 friends’ birthdays every year.
79- Call them or send a card. Anniversaries too.
80- Type those dates into cell phone
81- Eat a popsicle in the park
82- Organize my church notebooks, especially quotes
83- Read Relief Society lessons ahead of time.
84- Re-read a conference issue
85- Read a Buddhist book
86- Go to the temple at least once a month
87- Get rid of printer & cartridges

88- New England in the Fall
89- The Other Side of the Ocean
90- The Grand Canyon
91- California
92- “Wicked”
93- Two fun concerts Dave Matthews, John Legend
94- The Easter Pageant
95- Tempe Center for the Arts
96-My Aunt Margie in Prescott

Late Entries
97-Take Pictures of me and friends on the sculptures in Mesa
101-Finish this list on Saturday, Dec 11, 2010


Maria said...

Love your list! And in an effort to assist on a couple of your items: My birthday is Dec. 3, and I have the easiest/yummiest roll recipe!! Let me know if you want it!!!!!

indeazgirl said...

My mom's rolls are really the goal in that area...but I do need your anniversary.

Sweet Em said...

You have cooked FISH HEADS so I think that the pot roast will be a peice of cake.

And can I suggest that in your newly marked BOM you use a yellow pencil to mark all the verses that refer to joy/happiness etc. It is awesome and uplifting.

indeazgirl said...

So em-
I have all happiness/joy scriptures already marked in yellow in my scriptures now, actually. :o) They are all very important-looking and color-coded throughout, which took like 3 months. Now I need a new little one just to try and gain a new perspective.

Maria said...

Ok, anniversary is Aug. 22nd. :) Good luck!

Sweet Em said...

So will you edit this list when you've done an item?

indeazgirl said...

I'll try to cross it off; is that what you mean?

Sweet Em said...

I'm sorry to be such a comment-ophile but here is a link to a free tote bag

(Answers: Answers: 2 3 1 3 4 2 2 1 2 1 )

(Perhaps people like me are the reason you didn't want to make this public in the first place ;) )

Sweet Em said...

Here is that link again...

Jessica McIntyre said...

Thanks for the website. I just filled out the quiz and got one.

Anonymous said...

so, Tempe Bicycle is having a huge sale and I just thought maybe you'd like to know so at least you can go look at bikes for triathalons...